Altered State Breathwork, also known as Conscious Connected Breathwork, is an advanced type of breathwork which uses a technique to alter the breathers blood chemistry.
With guided use of this technique one can experience a shift in brain waves and access altered states of consciousness. This type of breathwork can feel quite similar to to psychedelics and plant medicine.
Facilitated safely and with experienced practitioners, Conscious Connected Breathwork can be an extremely powerful tool on one’s journey home. Some of my greatest insights, realisations and ‘aha’ moments have come to me through this modality.
Breath is truly the most potent, self empowering medicine we can receive and these sessions bring deep healing to the mind, body and soul.
testimonials for mollie
ways to breathe with me
Join an in-person conscious connected breathwork ceremony experience.
Book a one-to-one conscious connected breathwork experience with me.
I am available to facilitate Sacred Breathwork Journeys over Zoom.